This app is designed and developed for the purpose of rearing of commercial broiler chicks. The app helps the users to manage the poultry batches, track flock, feed and medicine & vaccine inventories. The app has been designed to allow to enter the daily mortality, daily feed entry and medicine & vaccine cost incurred in rearing of commercial broiler. This app has been developed mostly to let the end users (farmers) to enter all the daily data of the farm. This app shows the mortality patter of the flock and also shows the feed consumption of the chicks. This app also allows the user to track their cash inflow and outflow such as poultry sales, purchase of feed, medicine & vaccine and also summarize the net cash flow flock wise.
This app is one of the best commercial broiler farming apps out there. It is very user friendly for all types of users including the farmers. The main purpose of the app is to see the financial and non-financial performances of the poultry flock wise.
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